Shoe Challenge: The Collection

I like shoes.

I like buying shoes.

I have many pairs of shoes which are yet unworn.

In order to address this, I have decided to take part in Shoeperwoman’s Shoeper Shoe Challenge where I have to ‘save’ (wear and document) every pair of shoes in my collection in a year. Any that I don’t wear I need to get rid of. Sound fair? I thought so.

I’ve been following the Shoeperwoman blog for a while now and I think it’s fair to say that it has been more than a little inspirational in my choice of footwear in recent times. There have been a number of shoe challenges in the past but I thought it was about time to have a go myself. If you want to join in, you can find the all the information you’ll need here.

First things first, I needed to count my shoes. There are 26 pairs I am including in the challenge. have not included trainers, flip flops, wellies, scruffy sandals, dance shoes (although there may be an exception to this) and my wedding shoes. The rules state that I do not have to include any shoes I buy within the challenge period but I will try to save any that I do buy as part of the challenge.

The photo above shows my collection as it currently stands. Now all I have to do is find some excuses to wear them.


Live Sessions with D&S Gasoline & Matches Live Session: WATCH NOW Sep 15, 2018